Newsday - 4th C.D.: Nat Review writer calls attack on Scaturro hollow

Spin Cycle


4th C.D.: Nat. Review writer calls attack on Scaturro hollow

The National Review -- founded by the late William F. Buckley Jr. and still influential in conservative circles -- has one of its best-known writers, Deroy Murdock, weighing in this weekend on the 4th Congressional District's GOP primary on Long Island, defending Frank Scaturro from claims by rival Bruce Blakeman that he is not a conservative.  The face-off is Tuesday.

The nub of the piece is that Blakeman is repeating the claim -- first shot down in the 2012 race -- that Scaturro is supposedly an "Arlen Specter liberal," citing the late former senator's switch to Democrat from Republican late in his career.

Scaturro was once on his staff.

Murdock, among other points, cites Blakeman's own past monetary contributions to Specter and slams what he sees as smears on his "Reaganite friend."

The Murdock piece is clickable here.

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