Is Senator Coburn a Liberal Too, Bruce?


Since Bruce Blakeman has apparently given up any pretense of running a campaign on the issues in favor of recycling an old fraud from 2012, it is only fitting that we remind the voters with the remarkable letter below of just how completely Blakeman disregards the truth.  Specifically, Frank Scaturro’s work in Washington was entirely for Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and much of that consisted of defending conservative judicial nominees against liberal slander.  What a sad irony that Frank would now be slandered himself by a dishonest liberal Republican who takes Frank’s service to conservatism and makes up out of thin air that Frank was in fact a liberal working to help Democrats.  The conservatives who made it to the bench with Frank’s help are unable to speak out for him now since sitting judges cannot get involved in politics.  But Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) can, and did.  Frank’s work for the Judiciary Committee served all Republicans, including Coburn, and Coburn penned the letter below to set the record straight about Frank’s consistent commitment to conservative principles.  When we consider that Blakeman supported liberal Democrats such as Eliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner, and Kathleen Rice through his shadowy company—and when we consider that he personally donated thousands of dollars to Arlen Specter—it becomes clear that Blakeman’s dishonesty is matched only by his hypocrisy.  With that in mind, I hope you will share Senator Coburn’s letter below with any family, friends, and neighbors seeking to be informed about the only principled conservative running in the Fourth Congressional District.

Text from the letter above from Senator Tom A. Coburn, MD

Dear Frank,
            Congratulations on your candidacy for Congress. I wish you the best in that endeavor.
            I recall with gratitude your years of service on the staff of the Senate Judiciary Committee. You were a great support to all of the Republican senators on the Committee, and in all of your work, you consistently displayed a sincere commitment to conservatives principles.
            I especially recall the valuable role you played in the effort to confirm Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito. Throughout the hearings and floor debates you educated members about the records of the nominees on critical constitutional questions, including religious liberty and life issues, as well as assembling evidence to demonstrate the commitment of the nominees to limited government. In particular, your work was indispensable in helping members defend Justice Alito against baseless attacks on his record, and I believe you made a major contribution to his confirmation.
            Of course, apart from Supreme Court nominations, you also helped the Committee members evaluate President Bush’s nominations for lower court and Justice Department positions. In this way, you helped to ensure that both Judicial and Executive Branch appointees had a clear understanding of their constitutional responsibilities.
            In all my interactions with you, you have consistently demonstrated fidelity to the Constitution and a philosophy of government consistent with the vision of the Founders. I trust that you will adhere to these principles throughout your career.
                                                                                                Tom A. Coburn. MD
                                                                                                US Senator 

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