Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher Endorses Frank Scaturro Through Robocall


JUNE 19, 2014


CONTACT: PETER MATUZA 516.395.7723; [email protected]

Number of pages: 1 (one)




Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, better known as “Joe the Plumber” has endorsed Frank Scaturro for Congress in New York's Congressional District #4.

 Wurzelbacher attained fame as “Joe the Plumber” during a campaign stop by then Democratic Nominee Barack Obama in Ohio, during the 2008 election campaign. Wurzelbacher had asked Obama about his small business tax policy. Obama's response included the statement, "when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."Since Wurzelbacher expressed interest in buying a small plumbing company he immediately gained national fame and attention as “Joe the Plumber” and as a metaphor for middle-class Americans. 

Wurxelbacher says on the robocall, “Hi, I'm Joe Wurzlebacher – you know me better as Joe the Plumber.On June 24th I urge you to vote for Frank Scatturo for Congress. Frank is for repealing Obamacare, lowering your taxes and getting rid of Common Core. His opponent Bruce Blakeman ran Nassau County into the ground with tax-hikes and corruption. He gives money to Democrats like Arlen Spector and Anthony Weiner - he's no Republican in my book. On June 24th - back a real conservative – Frank Scaturro – and tell them Joe the Plumber sent you. Thanks.”

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  • Carley Garttner
    commented 2014-06-21 11:15:58 -0400
    Oh- not Carley’s comments, for clarification. Mine, Shawn McCormick-Garttner!
  • Carley Garttner
    commented 2014-06-21 11:14:10 -0400
    What a good Joe! I watched and remember his moment with Obama. How many revelations do the people need? Look at the laws being broken continuously now, and the revenge and destruction and obstuction. We must work hard to inform voters and get out the vote for Frank Scaturro!