"America's Rabbi" Spero Endorses Frank Scaturro







JUNE 11, 2014


CONTACT: KEN BROLIN; 804.247.1469; [email protected]



 "America's Rabbi" Spero Endorses Frank Scaturro 

CARLE PLACE, NY—Rabbi Aryeh Spero has endorsed Frank Scaturro, Republican and Conservative of New Hyde Park, New York, for the 4th Congressional seat in the June 24th primary. Rabbi Aryeh Spero is a theologian and a political and social commentator.  He is author of Push Back: Reclaiming Our American Judeo-Christian Spirit. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, National Review, New York Sun, Human Events Weekly, Newsmax.com, N.Y. Daily News, American Thinker, TownHall, Policy Review, Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Judaism, Tradition, Midstream, Jewish World Review, and the Jewish Press. For over ten years, Rabbi Spero was a columnist for Human Events, and he currently writes a blog for CNS News.

Rabbi Spero, who is often referred to as “America’s Rabbi,” said, “Frank Scaturro is a true conservative Republican, who fully understands the issues and challenges facing the American public, and who is armed with the intelligence and experience to fight for us


We need leaders like Frank Scaturro who not only believe in the best educational systems available for our children and children’s children but who show the necessity for that in their own lives.”  Spero added, “Frank has stood up to decry the fading of the Judeo-Christian ethics that founded our great country and to support Israel, our ally, during times when our own government appears to be abandoning her.”

Scaturro has also been endorsed by conservative Republican Congressman Trent Franks from Arizona, who said, “Frank Scaturro is a life-long, hard-working, Constitutional, solid, conservative Republican in the truest sense.Frank has a long record of service to this country and to the State of New York for which conservatives in the Fourth District can be proud and thankful. In addition to Frank's extensive service to his community, he's been a professor at Hofstra University teaching Constitutional law, and anyone who has worked alongside Frank, or who has had the pleasure of knowing him personally, knows he is committed to conservative principles.”

Another endorsement of Frank Scaturro came from Rep. Jeff  Fortenberry of Nebraska, who said, “I know Frank Scaturro.  He is a principled man dedicated to the strength of America and to our values.  He has my wholehearted support.”

Members of Congress who have previously endorsed Scaturro include Senator Orrin Hatch and former members John LeBoutillier, David McIntosh, and Luis Fortuño.


Text of Rabbi Spero's Endorsement: 

I am humbled to be referred to as “America’s Rabbi”. However, I would like to tell you a little bit about “America’s Statesman”, Frank Scaturro. Frank epitomizes the strong and principled individual we desperately need now to fight for us in Washington. America is in a battle to preserve its heritage, and we must vote for people who understand the Constitution and how to protect our country from the long, sustained attacks on our beliefs and traditions. I have known Frank professionally and as a friend, and for all those reasons and more, I confidently and enthusiastically support Frank Scaturro for Congressman. 

Frank Scaturro is a true conservative Republican, who fully understands the issues and challenges facing the American public, and who is armed with the intelligence and experience to fight for us. From my pulpit on Long Island, I had the opportunity to build relationships with many local people who serve their communities. But, it was Frank Scaturro who stood out as that exceptional man who epitomizes the best in leadership and walks the walk when it comes to strong family values. Frank has stood up to decry the fading of the Judeo-Christian ethics that founded our great country and to support Israel, our ally, during times when our own government appears to be abandoning her. 

Friends, we need leaders like Frank Scaturro who not only believe in the best educational systems available for our children and children’s children but who show the necessity for that in their own lives. Frank lost his father at a young age but, through pure vigilance and love, he made sure that he was there for his family during their hardship, persevered through long studies and hard work and was able to graduate from Ivy League schools with honors. I am dismayed and shocked that opponents in his own Party would mock the fact that an honest, Middle-Class boy from New Hyde Park could achieve so much and want to give back to his community! 

Join me in supporting Frank Scaturro for your next US Congressman!

 Rabbi Aryeh Spero



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